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M'era Luna 2010

M'era Luna 2010

2010-11-23 / Thalia / Reads: 15584

German festivals are always a real adventure. Whether it’s an unforgettable party on nights preceding the concerts or a whole town full of variety of clothes’ shops - there‘s something for everyone. Most import_antly, there’s a diversity of music which would attract everybody, whether a fan of typically gothic sounds,...

M'era Luna 2009

M'era Luna 2009

2010-01-10 / Thalia / Reads: 12462

Music is no longer about the sound. The visual form is deafening. Listening the emotional way is becoming extinct. Now it’s about identifying with a band. Once you’re a fan, you gotta prove it with your outfit or likes, not always genuine. So what’s the connection with the music as...

M'era Luna 2008

M'era Luna 2008

2008-10-03 / Nathashah / Reads: 33947

The atractiveness of this festival surpassed all our expectations as usually. I was preparing myself for pretty large dose of energy and I wasn’t disappointed. One of the biggest music events in Europe drew attention of every fan of alternative sounds. Nearly 25 thousand of people celebrated this unique...

M'era Luna 2007

M'era Luna 2007

2007-10-09 / Dobermann / Reads: 34680

As every year Friday evening we arrived (with many amusements connected with the bad weather) at my favorite German festival. As it was Friday we quickly made our tents ready and went to Before Show Party but unfortunately the journey exhausted us and we died like flies and went to...

M'era Luna 2006

M'era Luna 2006

2006-08-15 / Nathashah / Reads: 149411

The picture of one of Europe's biggest festivals is still alive before my eyes. Thousands of faces appearing on my left and right, imprinted in my memory. Their numbers made me feel as if I was being swallowed by an ocean of people. The road leading to the stage,...


M'era Luna 2005

2005-10-09 / Dobermann / Reads: 63058

We were supposed to set out on M'era Luna Festival at 9 p.m., but the bus was delayed for it was going from far away and unfortunately stuck somewhere on the way. I wasn't surprised by that anyway since so far I've always been late on every of the festivals...

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